Kapiti Boating Club Anemometer

Current Weather at Kapiti

Current wind speed (knots)
Max wind speed today (knots)
Current wind direction (from)
Wind run today (nm)

• Wind is sensed by an RM Young 5103 anemometer located on the southern watchtower at the Kapiti Boating Club. Data is acquisition is by an RM Young 26501 translator, feeding data to the weather station server at 1-second intervals.

• Data is uploaded to this web page from 0400 to 1800 hrs NZDT. Outside of these hours the most recently uploaded data is displayed.

  Kapiti Boating Club - Current Weather
Kapiti Boating Club - 40° 53.5'S  174° 58.9'E

Uploaded on at hrs NZDT

Wind Current average:
Highest gust last 2 mins:
Highest gust today:
Current direction:
Beaufort scale:
Wind run today:
knots at

Sun Sunrise today:
Sunset today:

Moon Moon Rise:
Moon Set:


• Wind is sensed an RM Young 5103 wind monitor located on the southern watchtower at the Kapiti Boating Club. Data is acquisition is by an RM Young 26501 translator, feeding data to the weather station server at 1-second intervals.

• The server runs Ambient's Virtual Weather Station software. Averages are calculated by a low-pass filter differential with a 2 minute time constant. The response of the average to a step change input is 63% after one time constant, and 95% after five time constants.

• Data is uploaded to the club web server every half-hour between 0400 and 1800 hrs NZDT.

• Weather station server hardware kindly donated by KPMG, Wellington.